How Big of a Dumpster Do I Need? has the most common dumpster sizes available for any project. We offer 10 yard dumpsters for those little home cleanups and cleanouts, as well as 40 yard dumpsters for those major interior renovations and community cleanups. And for everything in between, we have 20 and 30 yard dumpsters at your disposal. Don’t know which size dumpster you need? Our helpful team can make suggestions.

What size dumpster you need depends on several factors, but the most important are:

  • Type of Debris: For larger debris, you’ll need a larger dumpster.
  • Weight of Debris: Larger dumpsters have higher weight limits to hold more debris.

Dumpster Sizes and How Much They Hold

We offer 10, 20, 30 and 40 cubic yard roll off dumpsters that can be delivered to virtually any residential or commercial location. Refer to our dumpster size chart below to see how each container stacks up against the rest.

Size of Dumpster
Total Volume
10 Yard Roll Off Dumpster 10 feet x 8 feet x 3.5 feet 10 cubic yards (about 3 pickup trucks of debris)
20 Yard Roll Off Dumpster 20 feet x 8 feet x 3.5 feet 20 cubic yards (about 6 pickup trucks of debris)
30 Yard Roll Off Dumpster 20 feet x 8 feet x 5.25 feet 30 cubic yards (about 9 pickup trucks of debris)
40 Yard Roll Off Dumpster 20 feet x 8 feet x 7 feet 40 cubic yards (about 12 pickup trucks of debris)


Ordering a dumpster is as simple as dialing 1-888-905-2924 and letting us know what size, or sizes, you need. Learn more about choosing the right size dumpster for your project by visiting our sizes page or consulting one of our knowledgeable team members.






Worked out really good and delivery and pickup was really excellent!

Algona, Washington

I was very pleased with your service. Both of your drivers were courteous and spotted the dumpster down a narrow driveway. Both pickup and delivery were on time. I was very pleased.

Belleville, Illinois

We had an awesome experience with Roll Off Dumpsters from beginning to end! The customer service I received when I first called to place the order and then when I called to have the dumpster picked up was exceptional. The dumpster was delivered in a very timely manner and there was absolutely no damage done to our driveway. Pricing was super and I would definitely recommend them to all my friends and family. Many thanks!


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